Vinyasa Yoga Flow Utkatasana And Virbhadra Asana By Yogi Sourav Ji
Prepare yourself for today’s class prepare your mind your body bring your awareness back in your body increase focus concentration i will chant one time om all together after that the opening mantra join your palms together take a deep breath inhale
Shri Kurupyo Namah
Vande Gurunam Charanaravinde
Sandar shita svatma sukava bodhe
Nih sreyase jangalikayamane
Samsara Halahala Mohashantyai
Abahu Purushakaran
Shankhacakrsi Dharinam
Sahasra Sirasam Svetam
Pranamami patanjalim
Rub your both palms together apply it on your eyes on your face on your whole body and gently pull down your head to his core while blinking open your eyes namaste now sit in any comfortable position on the mat exhale little bend towards the right side sit down sit down yes inhale again back to the center exhale bend towards the left side you can drop your elbow if you want inhale back to the center exhale to the
other side one more time inhale back to the center exhale little bend to other side inhale come in center turn your palms out towards the ceiling interlock your fingers keep elevating your spine towards the ceiling exhale bend fully forward down drop your finger cups on the floor and just keep your spine stretching inhale come back up into the table top
I’ll start with cow and cat pose inhale look up roll your shoulder open your chest exhale look down make a hump on your back inhale look up exhale look down inhale look up exhale look down once again inhale look up and hold there for three counts one two and three exhale look down make a hump on your back hold there for three counts three two and one come back to the center stretch your right arm by the side
inhale for try the needle exhale drop your right hand under your left shoulder or your left hand now inhale take your left arm over your head look towards your left palm keep twisting with a thoracic region hold one two three four and five exhale drop a left palm back on the mat inhale take your right arm by the side and then exhale drop your right palm again back on the mat inhale take your left arm by the side exhale drop your left hand under your right shoulder now take your right arm over your head
look towards your right hand and hold fun keep looking towards your right palm two and three four and five exhale drop your right hand down take your left arm by the side and then exhale drop your left hand back on the mat now tuck your tow lift your hips up come for the downward facing dog paddle your legs one by one shake your legs prepare your mind for the sun salutation now stepping your right foot front and then left foot front inhale come up into samasthiti
I’ll start the sun salutation A ekam inhale raise your both arms up overhead come for urdhva hastasana dve exhale bend fully forward down for uttanasana treeni inhale look front lengthen your spine chatvari exhale jump back to chaturanga dandasana pucha inhale upward facing dog roll your shoulder look up shut exhale downward facing dog stay into downward facing dog for five counts one two three four and five
sapta bend your both knees and jump between your both palms for the halfway look ashto exhale bend fully forward down nava inhale all the way come up exhale samasthithi second round you ekam inhale again sweep your arms dve exhale painfully forward down treeni inhale look front lengthen your spine chatvari exhale go back to chaturanga dandasana pancha inhale upwards facing dog shat exhale
downward facing dog stay into downward facing dog one deep breath in deep breath out two three four and five now bend your both knees sapta jump front between your both palms for halfway look up exhale bendfully forward down inhale again come back up for Urdhva Hastasana exhale samasthi
Third round a ekam inhale dve exhale treeni inhale look front chatvari exhale come back for chaturanga puncha inhale upward facing dog shat exhale downward facing dog hold there for five counts one two three four and five now bend your both knees up sapta jump front between your both palms ashto exhale bend fully forward down nava inhale all the way come up exhale samasthiti now we’ll do sun salutation B
ekam inhale bend your both knees raise your both arms up come for the chair pose dve exhale bend for the forward fold treeni inhale look front chatvari exhale jump back for chaturanga punche inhale upward facing dog shat exhale downward facing dog sapta lift your right leg up and then bring your right leg front for warrior A ashto exhale jump back to chaturanga nava inhale dasha exhale ekaadasha bring your left
leg for warrior A dvaadasha exhale jump back to chaturanga trayodasha inhale chaturdasha exhale catch your breath here one two three four and five now bend your both knees and jump front between your both palms for halfway look up exhale bend fully forward down inhale all the way come up for the chair pose exhale samasthithi second roud ekam inhale come for chair pose utkatasana dve exhale
bend for the forward fold uttanasana treeni inhale look front for half way look up chatvari exhale chaturanga dandasana inhale urdhva mukha exhale adho mukha now inhale lift your right leg up and then bring your right leg for warrior A ashto exhale jump back for chaturanga nava inhale dashaa exhale ekaadasha bring your left leg front for warrior A dvaadasha exhale jump back to chaturanga trayodasha inhale chaturdasha exhale hold one two deep breath in and out three four and five panchadasha bend your both knees jump front between your both palms shodash
exhale bendfully forward down saptadasha inhale come up for the chair pose exhale samasthiti third and last round ekam come inhale again come for the chair pose dve exhale come for the forward fold treeni inhale look front chatvari exhale jump back pancha inhale upward facing dog shat exhale downward facing dog sapta bring your right leg front for warrior A ashto exhale come back for chaturanga nava inhale dashaa exhale ekadasha bring your left leg front for warrior A dvaadasha exhale jump back to chaturanga trayodasha inhale chaturdasha exhale
Now relax here into child pose catch your breath give your energy back bend your knees drop your belly on the thigh straight your arms front deep breath in and deep breath focus on your breathe just do not make any movement and just try to relax and you gain your energy back for the upcoming poses i will stand up take your toe lift your hip up come for the downward facing dog let’s finish this last set of our sun
salutation so bend your knees jump front between your both palms exhale bendfully forward inhale come back up for the chair pose exhale samasthiti so yesterday we have done the pyramid pore parsvottanasana the last pose today we will move forward for utthita hasta padangusthasana so come in front of a mat both feet together stand into samasthiti ekam inhale bend your right leg at the knee grab your right big toe from your first two fingers inhale straighten your leg front now dve
exhale bend your right leg towards your chin towards your sin hold there for five counts one try to keep your knee straight to three four and five treeni inhale lift your chest up straight your spine and chatvari exhale take your right leg towards the right side look left side chin par drishti hold one two three four and five now bring your right leg again back inhale lift your chest up and then exhale bend yourself towards
your right leg and then release your leg for ache padmasana keep your both palms on your waist try to lift your leg up as much as how you can to point your toes towards the wall three maintain your balance from a lower feet four and five exhale drop your right leg down shake your leg
Now change your leg bend your left leg at the knee grab your left big toe from your first two fingers inhale straighten your left knee lift your chest up drop your right palm on your waist and with exhale try to go down towards your left feet or your left sin bone and try to touch your chin on your sin and hold one two three four and five inhale lengthen your spine here exhale take your left leg towards the left side right
side one two three four and five inhale take your left leg back to the center exhale bend towards your left leg and release the leg for ache padmasana hold one two three four and five exhale drop your leg down shake your legs now prepare yourself for the next pose ardha baddha padmottanasana ekam inhale bend your right leg at the knee and place your right ankle on your left top of the thigh now grab your right
ankle or your right feet behind your back and take your left arm over your head dve exhale bend fully forward down place your left palm out of your left feet and try to go as deep as you can into the posture one two three four and five chatvari ihale come up just release your hand and then release your leg shake your leg now change now bend your left leg at the knee place your left big toe place the left ankle on your right
top of the thigh now grab your left ankle or your left toe with your left hand behind your back inhale take your right arm over your head and then exhale bend towards your right leg place your right palm out of your left feet hold there for five counts one two three four and five inhale all the way come up maintain your balance then release your leg release your hand shake your legs
Now we’ll move forward to our next posture so for that we have to follow this sequence ekam inhale raise your both arms up over your head for urdhva hastasana dve exhale bend forward down for uttanasana treeni inhale look front lengthen your spine chatvari exhale come back for chaturanga dandasana pancha inhale upward facing dog shat exhale downward facing dog stay into downward facing dog now
sapta bend your both knees and jump front between your both palms and come for the chair pose utkatasana so our next posture is utkatasana hold into utkatasana for five counts one two three four and five now ashto exhale drop your hands on the floor inhale lift yourself up and nava exhale jump back to chaturanga dashaa inhale urdumukha ekaadasha exhale adhomukha now sapta lift your right leg up and now
bring your right leg between your both palm for the warrior a hold into warrior a for five counts one keep your front leg 90 back feet slightly five degrees in two three four and five now without coming back just turn your left two out and right toe in come for the warrior a towards your left leg one two three four and five nava open your hands
come for the warrior B and hold one two three four and five nadasha change your side right side water will be one two three four and five now please press your palm on the floor exhale come back for the chaturanga inhale upward facing dog exhale downward facing dog now bend your knees and relax into child pose catch your breath here
Now bring the awareness back to your body now press your palm swing yourself forward for the table top now send your both legs back for the plank drop your knees chest chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose bhujangasana exhale roll back on your toes for parvatasana pedal out your legs one by one one two three four five now step your right leg forward in between your both
hands drop your back knee down on your mat and then sink your hips forward push your hips down stretch and stay one two and three now send your right leg back for the downward facing dog and drop your knees chest chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward exhale roll back on your toes for the downward facing dog
once again now step your left leg forward in between your both hands drop your back knee down sink your hips forward and then stay for threeashva sanchalana horse riding pose two and then one exhale again send your left leg back with a downward facing dog or plank keep pushing your shoulders down stretch
Now press your palms bend your knees jump forward for the halfway look up exhale completely bend down inhale all the way come up high and then exhale again bend forward inhale halfway look up again now grab your big toes with your both hands inhale again look front halfway look up as you exhale bend your elbows and start to bending down forward with every exhalation deep in the posture and feel that nice
stretch on your back of your knee on your hamstrings on your hips and your lower back together inhale again look front half will look up exhale put your both hands underneath your feet then try and trying to deepen the posture with every exhalation breathe in breathe out there hold for three two one inhale halfway look up and then exhale release your hands on your waist inhale all the way come up high take your
arms up over your head now grab your elbows together now grab your elbows and then push your hands backward and then try to lift your head up keep stretching upward breathing breathe out there keep stretching just observe the movement that is coming from your thoracic reason reach up high keep reaching high as you exhale bend forward and then put your hands down on your mat inhale halfway look up
again now again grab your elbows over your head and then start to move up and down one open relaxation two keep stretching your lower back and your hips together three keep pushing down with every exhalation four five keep pushing down six seven eight nine and then ten inhale again halfway look up look front and then
exhale press your palms walk your legs back to the plank knees chest chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose Bhujangasana exhale roll back on your toes for mountain or downward facing dog stretch your hips and your lower back together
Now press your palms jump outside of your hands into the yogi squats go easy go slow and then join hands together in front of your heart center your palms against each other look front spine is straight breathe in breathe out there hold one two and three exhale grab your big toes from this yogi squats and then reach your tailbone high try to take your hips high into the forward bend complete forward bend stretch
push down with every exhalation breathe in breathe out there again bend your elbows lower your hips down back to the previous position yogi squats look front joint hands together breathe in breathe out there exhale again grab your big toes and then completely bend down stretch lower reach your hips up and lower your head
down hold one two three four five inhale again sit back on your hips look front joint hands together and keep stretching your hips keep on moving breathe in breathe out there normalize your breath four five four now press your palms and try to jump back to chaturanga nasa inhale upward facing dog exhale downward facing dog now again pedal out your legs one by one keep editing your legs out now stretch your
right leg up in the air all the way high and then slightly bend your right leg at the knee and then look at your right foot from your left side of your left hand and stay look up hold for three two one exhale step your right leg in between your both hands and then drop your back knee down on your mat sink your hips forward stretch push your hips down breathe in breathe out there exhale stand your right leg back for the mountain or downward facing dog pedal out your legs one by one
Now take your left leg up in the air all the way high stretch upward and then try to take your left leg out to the right side and look at your foot from your right side of your head and stay here for 5 four three two and one just nice stretch and then bring your left leg forward in between your both hands drop your back knee on the floor and
then start to sink your hips down push your hips down stretch and hold one two three four five now exhale send your left leg back for the downward facing dog and then pedal out your legs one by one drop your knees chest chin down on your mat aston namaskar inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose press your palms roll back on your toes for the downward facing dog now from the downward facing dog
swing forward into the plank go slow enter into the posture now drop your elbows down into forearm length stay in the forearm plank and then move your hips side to side one yeah just parallel move your hip side to side go slow two three four five inhale again come back to the center press your palms on your mat into the plank now chaturanga dandasan
Inhale upward facing dog exhale downward facing dog and start to stretch your hips stretch your shoulders together now drop your knees down rest in child pose relax your breath breathe in breathe out there now again press your palm swing yourself forward into the table top now as you inhale lift your head up look up high to the ceiling as you exhale lower your head down hump on your back inhale head up
exhale head down hump on your back inhale again head up look up high and then exhale hump on your back push your hips forward one more time inhale head up look up high to the ceiling press your palms on your mat and then stay here stay here look friend hold one two keep stretching three four five exhale hump on your back push your hips forward squeeze in your abdomen keep pushing down and stay
again for three two and one inhale back to the table top now send your both legs back for the plank again now drop your knees chest chin down on your mat inhale cobra pose exhale downward facing dog breathe in breathe out there but allow the legs one by one keep pushing your shoulders down towards your mat so that you
can feel that nice stretch on your shoulders keep pushing down with every exhalation now press your palms jump three hands into the nothing sit back on your hips extend your legs forward completely lie down on your spine
Now bend your right leg at the knee and then hug your right thigh pull your knee back towards your face keep pulling back look front breathe in breathe out touch your head to your knee breathe in breathe out again now exhale extend your right leg forward bend your left leg hug your left knee touch your head to your knee hold one two three and then exhale extend your left leg forward now twist your spine bend
your right leg and then place your right foot left side of your left leg and then twist your spine out to the left side and turn your head to the right side and hold one if you want to grab your other leg you can grab otherwise fine two and three inhale come back to the center exhale on the other side place your left foot on the right side of your right leg twist your spine turn your face to the right other side and hold one two
three four five inhale come back and then like say lie down into shavashna close your eyes breathe in breathe out there normalize your breath now try to press your palms and sit in any comfortable pose that you like eyes remain close spine straight nice and long now we will chant one om followed by three shanti join your hands together take a deep breath in
Shanti Shanti Shnati’h…
Bow your head down to the mother nature towards your glue and the energy that helps in today’s class drop your hands together in front of your heart center now place your palms on your closed eyes and then open your eyes while blinking and namaste to everyone.
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