Yoga Teacher Training In Bali


Hi good afternoon my name is yazna i’m a student here at bali yoga school in bali um i’ve just completed or almost completed my 500 hours of yoga teacher training and i just wanted to share my experience here with you

so um I’ve actually never or barely have done yoga in my life before so i came here with a very open mind um mostly focusing on myself not with the intention to teach but since I’ve been here I’ve been blessed with so many amazing teachers and great company and so much wisdom

and i have been taught so much that i even feel more comfortable and i’m ready to teach now um so we’re on a really tight schedule here at bali yoga school our day starts at 6:00 Am actually a pranayama class so we’re going to start a day with breathing and teaching how to breathe um with amazing teachers

we’ve been doing ashtanga we’ve been doing hata yoga vinyasa just a really wide spread of classes and experiences so in class you get to focus on your own practice but you also get to learn how to teach how to adjust and how to modify with other people you even get the opportunity to teach your own class which

makes you more comfortable it makes you step out your comfort zone it’s a really great experience and it’s something you don’t get to learn everywhere so we’re actually living very close to bali yoga school it’s only a one minute walk to kath which is very nice um it’s been a great area it feels it feels like a second home

you get taken care of really nicely the people are wonderful the staff is wonderful every wish has been fulfilled and you’ve been treated with so much kindness here it’s like you’ve gained a second family it’s very wonderful you get three meals per day purely vegan food a vegetarian even if you like it’s been a challenge

because i haven’t been a vegan before but i think it was a very nice adjustment it feels great um to take care of your body like that and try a different kind of style of nourishment and they did a great job with the food I’ve been loving vegan food ever

since I’ve been here you get to meet so many wonderful people here and you get the chance to actually take part in your own cooking class here you’re being taught how to cook a purely vegan meal and everyone gets together and prepares the food and then we also enjoy it together

which is also a lovely bonding experience and a great way to increase your knowledge actually so since we’re on such a tight schedule here and we work hard from Monday to Saturday we do get one day off on Sundays

where we get taken on little excursions to settle our mind and relax a bit from the heart week like going to the beach together and enjoying a yoga class at the beach or um going for a hike together and the wonderful stuff here even makes sure that we get some Balinese culture and experience some of the wonderful traditions

here for example going to water temple and experiencing a traditional blessing there which is a really great experience which you also don’t get everywhere so i’m very thankful for that in general i’m very thankful for all the knowledge for all the love for all the opportunities that I’ve received here at body yoga school

and i can only recommend it if you want to make a little life change it’s the best place to go to find yourself a little bit more find yourself some great friends and a new family

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