Padangusthasana And Padahastasana By Yogi Sourav Ji


Gently close your eyes take a deep breath in and deep breath out deep inhale deep exhale prepare yourself for today’s class your mind prepare your body your breath we’ll start our class by the opening mantra joining your both palms together in front of your center take a deep breath in

Shri Kurupya Namah
Vande Gurunam Charanaravinde
Sandar shita svatma sukava bodhe
Nih sreyase jangalikayamane
Samsara Halahala Mohashantyai
Abahu Purushakaran
Shankhacakrsi Dharinam
Sahasra Sirasam Svetam
Pranamami patanjalim

And thank god and ask god to give us strength and energy for today’s class while blinking open your eyes om shanti om sit any comfortable position cross your leg adho mukha ekadsha bring your left leg front for warrior A dvadasha exhale jump

back to chaturanga trayodasha inhale chaturdasha exhale deep inhale deep exhale catch your breath here now bend your both knees and jump front between both palms stteping front exhale bendfully forward down inhale all the way come up for chair pose exhale samisthithi

Second round of sun salutation B ekam inhale again come for the chair pose dve exhale bend for the forward pose treeni inhale look front here chatvari take a left leg back for chaturanga pucha inhale urdhamukha shat exhale adhomukha sapta lift your right leg up and then bring you right leg front for warrior A ashto exhale step

your right leg back for chaturanga nava inhale daasha exhale ekadasha bring your left leg front for warrior A dvaadasha exhale take your left leg back for chaturanga trayodasha inhale chaturdasha exhale agail hold their for 5 counts 1 keep pushing your hips up 2,3,4 and 5 punchdasha bend your knees jump front stepping front shodasha exhale bend forward your legs saptadashi inhale come up for the chair pose exhale samisthithi

Third and last round ekam inhale back to the chair pose dve exhale bend for the forward pose treeni inhale look front here chatvari exhale jump back to chaturanga puncha inhale shut exhale sapta bring your right leg agian between your both palms for warrior A ashto exhale take your right leg back fot meet your left leg foe chaturanga nava inhale lift your chest up daasha exhale lift leg your hips up

ekaadasha lift your left leg front for warrior A dvaadasha exhale take your left leg back for chaturanga trayodasha inhale chaturdasha exhale now hold 1,2,3,4, and 5 now panchadasha stteping in front for the half way look up shodash exhale saptadasha inhale come up for the chair pose exhale samisthithi open your legs shake your legs due kati chakrasana

okay now we’ll move forward to the first pose of our ashtanga series that is Padangusthasana ekam inhale jump open your legs keep your both palms on your waist exhale bend fully forward down towards your legs and grab your big toes for first two finger inhale look front lengthen your spine here if you cannot lengthen a spine you can bend your knee and then you can try to lengthen your spine very

nicely dve exhale bend your both elbows out look between your both legs nasagra drishti and hold there for five counts one two three four and five inhale halfway look up exhale drop your both palms under your feet for padahastasana inhale again halfway look up exhale again bend your both elbows out and look between your both legs just give the nice stretch feel the nice stretch which is coming from your

hamstrings your calf muscles one with your spine two stretch your spine towards the floor three four and five inhale halfway look up exhale drop your both hands on your waist inhale all the way come on exhale jump back to samisthithi shake your legs here

okay now now find yourself into the tabletop press your palms on your back palms tightly underneath your shoulders yeah just get to the table top palms tightly underneath your shoulders knees directly underneath your hips keep your spine straight nice and long press your palms send your both legs back to the plank

straight drop your knees chest chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward and then exhale roll back on your toes for the fountain or downward facing dog stretch your hips high and hold here for the five with checklists one two three four five

now press your palms bend your knees that half way look up exhale completely bent down inhale take your arms up over the head stretch upward and then exhale again then down now hold on your heels grab your ankles inhale again halfway look up exhale press your palms again send your legs back for chaturanga dandasana

if you’re going to reach chaturanga dandasana longer than nothing you can slightly bend your elbows and then lower down your chest that’s it now inhale up dog urdhva mukha svanasana exhale down dog adho mukha svanasana exhale stretch your hips high upward bring your right leg forward in between your both hands drop your back knee down on your mat now sink your hips forward look front chest open spine

straight exhale move your hips back straighten your front keep your leg leg straight lower your head down both hands either side of your front leg stay there for three two one inhale swing yourself forward for us ashwa sanchalanasana horse riding pose push your hips down stretch exhale again move your hips back extend your legs

extend your front leg with the knee moving hips back feel the same strip inhale again swing yourself forward into ashwa sanchalanasana horse riding pose go as soon as possible look for chest open keep stretching now slowly gently send your right leg back to the back

drop your knees down chest down chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose bhujangasana use your m exhale roll back on your toes for parvatasana downward facing dog stretch your hips high push your heels down keep on stretching now bring your left leg forward in between your both hands drop

your back knee on the floor sink your hips down stretch push forward look front now exhale move your hips back extend your front leg and then for the half split sink your hips down if you can pull your toes back pull your toes back inhale swing yourself forward again for ashwa sanchalanasana horse riding pose

exhale move your hips back extend your front leg at the knee pull it to his back inhale swing yourself forward sinking hips down stretch spine straight exhale move hips back again extend your front leg leg more time swing yourself forward into ashwa sanchalanasana horse riding pose feel that nice stretch on your back you’re flexing

now press your palms send your left leg back for the plank drop your knees down chest down chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose bhujangasana exhale roll back your toes for parvatasana breathe in breath out there try to hold push your heels down push your palms down into your mat now drop your knees down for child pose

now sitting into vajrasana keep your spine straight now as you inhale stretch arms up over the head take your hands high now grab your elbows together now stretch your elbow to the right side and then left side go slow keep on moving one two three and then exhale releasing hands down now swing yourself forward into the tabletop

inhale lift your head up look up high to the ceiling for the cat for the cow exhale hump on your back sqquez look hips in for the cat up high to the ceiling exhale lower your head down hump on your back inhale again head up look up high to the ceiling stretch your neck upward exhale again lower your head down come from your back

after the last time inhale head up then exhale head down hump now release your back to the center now send your right leg back up in the air and grab your right foot with the left hand stretch look up high try to hold there for three two one and then exhale release your leg down now send your left leg back up in the ear try to hold on

your left foot with your right hand balance there on two three four and five exhale your hand down leg down on your mat just go slow that’s very comfortable now send your both legs back to the blank drop your knees down chest down chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward foe cobra pose bhujangasana exhale roll

back on your toes for the downward fishing pose adho mukha svanasana one by one now step your right leg outside of your right palm back leg straight look front keep pressing your both hands down and start to move forward and backward and push your front leg away from the body one two three four five

now press your palms and your right leg back again now downward facing dog now bring your left leg forward outside of your left palm now keep your back leg straight nice and long and straight push your front leg away from the body and keep on moving forward and backward one two three four keep stretching five now press your

hands and your left leg back for the plank now drop your knees down chest down chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose put your muscle roll your shoulders back exhale back on your toes for the downward facing dog keep reaching your tailbone high keep pressing your heats down

now from here drop your elbows down in your mat from the downward facing dog drop your elbows down interlock your fingers now from here you will do only depression and elevation of your shoulders okay depress your shoulders down and then elevate them high and stick press them down and leave them high you place them down and then you put them high just keep on moving for five times five four

three two one now press your palm again move back to downward facing dog keep stretching now press your hands jump through your hands into dandasana now as you inhale take your arms up over the head and then exhale grab your big toes with your both hands inhale halfway to look up and then exhale bend completely down stretch your spine keep your spine straight nice and long keep bending forward stretch inhale again halfway look up

now grab your all toes with both hands inhale again look up high towards the ceiling as you exhale bend completely down keep on pushing forward stretch keep stretching now inhale have to look up again and then grab your outer edges of your feet with the both hands different halfway look up as you exhale and completely

down keep stretching for three two one inhale halfway look up again and then stretch your both hands up over the head exhale place your palms behind your hips take a one hand good strength from your hips and then reach your tailbone line make it pointed and reach upward into reverse plank reach high and hold 1 2 3 4 and 5 exhale release your hips down

now bend your right leg at the knee and bring your right foot close to your left top of your inner thigh into challenges asana push your right knee away from the body keep that knee in line with the right hip now take your hands up over the head as you exhale and forward grab your left foot then completely down stretch four there three

two one inhale take your hands up over the head all the way high exhale release your hands down turn your right leg forward now bend your left leg now take your both hands up over the head and then exhale bend forward and grab your right foot with your both hands holding one two three four and five inhale all the way come up right take your hands up over the head exhaling release your hands down extend

your left leg forward shake your legs shake your thighs now i’m going to do particular grab you bring your both feet together in front or butterfly pose grab your feet with your both hands take a deep breath in spine is straight bend your elbows on your knees and then lower your head down

now hold it one two three four five inhale again come up high take your hands up over the head and then exhale release your hips sorry hands on the knees extend your both legs forward now gently lie down on your spine completely lie down turn your palms up and now take your both legs up into 90 degree angle of the floor now inhale again reach legs up exhale lower your legs down inhale reach up and then

down again reach up and then down reach up and then down again reach up and then down keep moving for five four three two one and then exhale bend your legs now we will do bridge pose reach your hips high interlock your fingers keep stretching upward
hold here

now release your hips down hug your thighs hug your legs massage your lower back keep on going over up and down and then exhale release your legs forward and lie around into shavashna keep your palms open turn them up legs open rotating outward neck is straight and relax your entire body from top to bottom bottom find the stillness in your body and begin to observe your breath don’t sleep you just need to

observe each and every part of your body now slowly gently bring the wings back to your body move your nose move your fingers extend your arms over the head and give your body nice and gentle stretch okay now bend your left leg with the knee turn on the right side now brush your palms sit in a comfortable pose eyes remain close spine straight nice and long chin parallel to the floor take a deep breath in

now begin to observe your body posture and your breath now adapt any mudra that you prefer for yourself now we will finish today’s session with one home followed by 3 take a deep breath in rub your hands place your palms on your closed eyes again one more time drop your hands together place it on your eyes while blinking open your eyes and namaste to everyone.

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