Bahya Pranayama
Bahya Pranayama
The word Baahya is made from the Sanskrit word Baahya which means outside or external.
Bahya Pranayama is one of the vital respiration exercises in which you have to forcibly breathe in (inhale), breathe out and then hold the breath (retention). In this, the breathing is kept outside during the process so that’s why this Pranayama is named Baahya Pranayama.
The meaning of Baahya is external and pranayama means breathing technique so it is also called external Retention. Retention means holding the breath (Kumbhaka).
1:2:3 is the ratio of this Pranayama. The Ratio of 1:2:3 is meaning that breathes intakes one second, breathes out should be 2 seconds and holding the breath ought to be for three seconds. Similarly, if breath intakes four seconds then breathe out ought to take eight seconds, and holding the breath ought to be for twelve seconds that is nothing however 1:2:3
Steps of Bahya Pranayama
- Sit in the Padmasana. Close your eyes keep your spinal cord and head erect.
- Breathe in deeply (inhale).
- Then Exhale completely.
- After exhale hold your breath.
- Try to pull your stomach upward as much as you can, pull up the muscles in the area below the navel.
- After that move your head in the down position so that your chin touches your chest.
- Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds.
- Assume that all your negativity is being expelled from your body.
- Then relax and get back to the starting position.
- In case you are suffering from neck and back pain, do not move your head down. Just look straight.
- Repeat this process for five to ten times.
Benefits of Bahya Pranayama
- Helpful in all abdominal complaints (like Constipation, Acidity, Gastric problem, Hernia) and cure it completely.
- It cures the reproductive organs related complaints.
- Bahya improves the concentration of the mind.
- Improves digestion.
- Beneficial for diabetes patients.
- Completely cures the urinary and sperm-related problems.
- Very helpful to achieve the tranquility and self-enlightenment.
- People who have heart or BP (blood pressure) problems should not attempt this.
- Women in their period and pregnant or planning to become pregnant women should not try this.
All Pranayama should be done on an empty stomach.
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