Weight Loss Ayurvedic tips & Diet
There are many fad diets that aim for quick weight loss from Ketogenic diet to Atkins Diet. These diets may affect our nutritional intake and cause dehydration, vitamin and mineral deficiency, weakness, headaches, constipation and other health problems. While having an ideal body weight is important for well being and good health, one must not fall for fads and lose weight steadily over a period of time.
Ayurveda, one of the ancient medicinal practices which is said to have origins in India, lays emphasis on following a dincharya which helps you connect with nature and prevents various diseases. When you follow a healthy routine, eat and sleep at the right time and healthy, get rid of toxins from your body, and practice mindfulness, you are in perfect health, and lose weight. Such weight loss also makes you happier and healthier than before.
Here are tips to lose weight gradually, naturally and surely as per Ayurveda:
Eat at proper time: Ayurveda recommends eating three meals in a day with breakfast being the largest meal, and dinner the lightest.Β When you eat at the right time, you manage to steer clear of unhealthy cravings and the temptation to have sugary and high calorie snacks. Ayurveda also believes in Ritucharya which means consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables or food items with ingredients that are suitable for the season. Fruits and vegetables have loads of fibre content in them which aids digestion and help in burning flab.
Sleep well: Establishing a proper sleep routine goes a long way in losing weight. Studies show that insufficient sleep is independently associated with a higher risk of obesity. One must go to the bed early and sleep for at least 8 hours. If you want your circadian rhythm to function properly, it is advised that you stay in bed between 10 pm to 4 am as that is the time when sleep has restorative properties and would refresh you for the day ahead. Ayurveda says the ideal time to wake up is before the sunrise as if you wake up after that, you will end up feeling sleepy and slow.
Take a walk after meals: A little movement after meals helps the digestion process to function properly. Walking slowly after eating is helpful if you are aiming to shed those kilos. Do not brisk walk though. If you are a diabetic, walking after meals is helpful in controlling blood sugar levels. Even hypertension patients get benefitted by walking.
Meditation: Meditation has a very important role in the overall well being as it helps you focus on the current moment and release stress. Stress is one of the major causes of obesity as it triggers hormones that lead to overeating. It also fiddles with your insulin levels. Meditation calms you down and regulates hormones. It also helps you stay mindful of what you are eating and your portions are controlled automatically.
Exercise: Any kind of physical exercise or specifically yoga asana helps you burn calories but also release hormones that release stress. According to ayurvedic experts, one should spend 45-60 minutes doing exercises that increase metabolic activity in the body. Apart from a healthy diet, it is equally important to work out.
Lemon water: A glass of lemon water in the morning can kick off metabolism and aids weight loss. It also releases toxins and helps the digestive system. It helps in breaking calories.
Eat food that curbs kapha dosha: If one has an imbalance of kapha dosha, one tends to have a slow metabolism and more weight. Choose food that is freshly prepared, not stale and seasonal in order to have a good metabolism. Eating in moderation is also recommended in Ayurveda.