Hip Opening Vinyasa Yoga Flow Session


Breathe in, breathe out now we are moving to hip opening sequence just prepare your mindset breathe in here take your time just slowly back for downward facing dog adho mukha now lift your right leg up slowly step your right leg by outside of your right hand just slowly by taking up finger tip support you can drop your left knee

on your mat so incase if you are if you have knee injuries and feeling too much pressure on the back knee so you can do one modification here or like using your own mat so you have fold your mat to protect your knee or like giving a extra surface to the knee like this or incase if you don’t find these useful so you can skip this by taking up finger tip support look front side and hold here so now you can see my

knees and my hips that in one line so as i told you this is the hip opening sequence so from here try to push your hip down and open your heart like lower down your belly and open your heart and look forward now you can see my knees above and my hip is going downward so let’s do one more time inhale lift your hip up so this time you can see guide one line so without moving your knee more further slowly

drop your belly down push your hip down open your heart inhale up and exhale down nice and slowly feel all the stretch on your inner hip or your outer hip inhale up and exhale down inhale up exhale down go slowly by taking your time, by taking your breathe and exhale push down then keep your hip pushing down now from here if this thing in your practice you can drop your elbow down or incase if you are not

reaching downward so you can use a blanket or a pillow to increase the height of the surface so like this and again maintain your spine straight breathe in and breathe out and hold this posture so we are going to hold a bit longer here so make sure the only thing you have to stay in your mind is do focus on your breathing not hold your breathing inhale and exhale according to your breathe according to your practice

hold this posture here so incase if you are feeling uncomfortable here so you can do one more thing so from here stight to turn your toes outside and hold so this is the nice variation or modification you can use breathe in breathe out inhale and exhale, few more breathe inhale and exhale just slowly remove your pillow straight your hands here and now from here slowly lift your back knee up by pressing your palms

slowly lifting your hip up and go back to one leg downward facing dog exhale drop your right leg down and take your time now will do same thing with the left side with left leg take your time breathe in reach high with your left leg and exhale place your left leg like outside of your left leg again same thing drop your right knee down again

if you have a knee issue or knee problem you can fold your mat now from here take a finger tip support first do check your knee align with your hip as i told you in the in the right side of the leg, now slowly drop your hip down and open your heart, open your chest look forward or you can look towards the ceiling now slowly lift your hip back and exhale down nice and slow inhale and exhale so one more thing as i told

you this is the beginner series so if you feeling pressure on your finger tip you can use a block here by to increase the surface so gently place your hands over the block as i am doing here and do the same thing push your hip down and inhale lift back inhale push your hip down and exhale move back nice and slow take your time inhale down and exhale back so let’s one more round, inhale push your hip down

and hold here just slowly by moving your block we are going on the elbow as i told you if this thing is in not your practice you can use a pillow or blanket to increase the height of the surface and slowly turn your toes outside and hold this posture here so here again we are going to hold this posture for a longer do focus on your breathing as i told you don’t hold your breathe by holding the posture nice and slow don’t make

a hunch spine should be straight look forward breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out feel more breathe inhale and exhale inhale and exhale nice and slowly keep smiling, make a smile on your face now slowly extend your elbow slowly remove your block or your pillow which one you using, now by pressing your palm tuck your toes in lift your back knee up and slowly by lifting your hip slide your left leg

back for downward facing dog now slowly by walking forward cross your leg drop your hip down and slowly sit on your hips now we are moving to butterfly so what you have to do to again if you have a tight hip flexors so you can use a pillow underneath your hip as i am doing here so you can see from this side like this now try to maintain

your feet together as closer as you go in now interlace your finger underneath your feet grab your feet here and try keep lengthening your spine straight up not make a hunch here keep lengthening your spine up now slowly as you inhale lift your knees up and exhale open your leg try to press your knees down again inhale up and

exhale inhale up and exhale down for deeper stretch you can close your eyes and try to push more down slowly slowly according to breathe don’t make a rush nice and slowly a bit more faster with controlling arm make a full control on a breathe of the movement connect your breathe with your movements a bit more faster keep your spine straight, nice and slowly let’s do for three breathe here, breathe in breathe out

inhale and exhale now slowly release now from here release your hands take a finger tip support here so without lifting your knees off to the mat not to high try to keep pushing your knees down and walk forward as much as you can nice now as you going forward you have to exhale and hold here keep maintaining your spine straight nice and slowly hold here for three two one a bit more further one last time

hold here, hold breathe and now release slowly back to the center now you can place your hands by outside of your knees now slowly as you inhale lift your knees up and now slowly hug you legs breathe in breathe out now you can remove your pillow now let’s do the counter pose of hip opening now from here slowly roll back on your spine and just keep rolling up and down, nice and slowly now slowly come up sit

on your sitting bones let’s do gomukhasana so first we do with the left leg so place your left leg underneath your right now slowly place your right knee or your left leg so again if you are not able to maintain this posture so you can use a pillow underneath your hip so as i am using here or a blanket if you don’t have a pillow as i told you, you can use a blanket also like this now from here place your right hand up and

cross your hand behind your back so incase if you have tight shoulders and you are not reaching forward you can use a strap so see grab your strap and slowly according to your flexibility you can hold the strap as closer as you want and hold here for three breathe in breathe out inhale and exhale now slowly release your hand like as it is now slowly walk forward with your hand by taking a finger tip support and

hold keep lengthening your spinebreathe in and breathe out slowly walk back now from here we are switching our side just slowly shift your weight back and release your leg first shake your legs and now switch your side now this time right foot underneath your left leg and maintain your knee over your right knee same as it is again you can use a strap or you can grab your hand according to flexibility and hold

here in gomukhasana breathe in and breathe out nice and slowly take one more breathe here, inhale and exhale now slowly release your hand but leg as it is now by taking a finger tip support walk forward and hold here try to maintain your spine straight, reach high and exhale go more forward hold here, breathe in and breathe

out inhale and exhale now slowly walk back by taking your hand side of your hip slowly press your palm and release your leg now shake your leg shake your thigh by removing your pillow slowly lie down on your back and relax here for a moment for a second breathe in and breathe out now slowly lift your knees off to the mat and hug your knees roll up and down, nice and slowly warm up your spine.

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