Gayatri Mantra
Namaste to everyone I am yogi Himanshu founder of Himalayan Yoga Association and Bali Yoga School and today i’m gonna tell all of you about Gayatri Mantra so I’m gonna tell you about its meaning and it is very powerful Gayatri Mantra
So before I show you how to chant it and why to chant it devotionally before that I want to let you know that any kind of mantra whether it is Gayatri Mantra whether it is Om Namah Shivay Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Maha mantra
So mantra means set of divine words which has capacity to bring the mind into divine level so mantra cleans the mind mantra cleans all the bad habits of the mind so that when mind is cleanse when mind is peaceful only then we can understand what is behind the body and the mind who is that who is running this body and the mind
and why we are so happy when our mind is peaceful when our body is peaceful so the this is the power of the mantra so if we chant the mantra every day and chanting not just like there must be full devotion to the mantra and we can only understand the power of mantra when we chanted when we ourselves experienced it so chanting it full of devotion and full of you know believe only then we can experience it and it has great power so this what mantra means and this is the power of mantra
So now I’m gonna today tell about Gayatri mantra so Gayatri mantra is
Om bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ
bhargo devasyadhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt
and its meaning its it has beautiful meaning and not only this mantra but I find every mantra is beautiful and powerful so it’s mean on the divine light please guide our mind to the divine light so that we can experience it within so we have divine light within so when our mind is clear our bodies healthy peaceful
we feel the divine awareness within and around in the world so we can experience it within and around us to live the divine life we can only live the divine life when our mind experience says it when we taste it and the whole world becomes beautiful and meaningful when we live the divine life so this is the mantra and this is its meaning
now I’m gonna chant for all of you you can chant in any tune you want but as for my experience I really feel too much connected when I chant this mantra in ancient rhythm in an ancient tune which is used to lead fire ceremony yagyna so I love this tune but if you want to chant it in another tune that is also absolutely fine the most important thing there must be devotion there must be hard
whenever you change people say different different things but I say only believe when you experience yourself if you have not experienced anything yourself then it is absolutely has no value then it is not truth for yourself the only truth when you experience it so most important chant with full of devotion
so I’m gonna chant two times for all of you and therefore you can practice it in your home or in your practice hour so I request whoever is watching this video to pay full of respect to what we are doing sit comfortable in wherever you are join both palms together front of your chest and for just two or three seconds sit quietly bring your attention to your breath mouth close breath flowing through the nostril
now take deep long breath through the nostril out through the nostril be completely thankful to the universe for giving us this human life and believing in yourself that you can do anything you want to do for yourself and for helping the society now we will chant the mantra
Om bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaḥ
bhargo devasyadhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt
Om………… Shanti….. Shanti…….. Shantih…..
feel your breath feel the energy we create ourselves within and around us the peace once more before opening up the eyes being fully grateful to this life to all the up and downs to your family member friends people around to the divine go down your head now before opening up the eyes you can gradually rub your palms very gradually not hurting the palms gradually and then touching your eyes your face your neck or in any other place you want to touch and transmit the energy and then by looking downward you can gradually open your eyes Namaste.
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