15 Minutes Vinyasa Yoga Flow Session
Namaste yogi’s I’m yogi Vipin Singh Farswan and on the behalf of Himalayan Yoga Association as a teacher here i welcoming all in this online teacher training course I’m your Vinyasa teacher and i’m wishing you all the very best for the course Namaste.
Now prepare yourself for one last round take a time, take a breathe now slowly go for downward facing dog nice and slow look forward like a slowly walk front in between your both hand for ardha uttanasana half forward form as you exhale into front foot inhale come up for utkatasana nice and slow now we gonna hold here as i told you keep breathing while holding posture breathe in breathe out one last hold, you are
breathe in breathe out now slowly as you exhale go for uttanasana for forward inhale extend your elbow look front for half forward form as you exhale you can place your palm on your mats slow walk back to chaturanga dandasana inhale for urdhva mukha lengthen your spine look forward exhale go back to adho mukha nice and slow take your time breathe in lift your right leg up as you exhale step you right leg
forward by turning your back foot for 45 slowly come up for warrior A Virbhadra and hold here keep lengthen your spine, look toward to your thumb as you exhale from the sideways slowly place your palm on your mat now you can jump back or back to chaturanga inhale up and exhale slowly walk back nice and slow, take your time inhale lift your left leg up as you exhale place your left leg slowly come up for warrior
A nice and slowly as you exhale slowly drop your hands on your mat now you can jump back or you can walk back to chaturanga dandasana inhale up for urdhva mukha and exhale go back into adho mukha nice and slowly now hold here for three breathe breathe in and breathe out keep lengthening your spine keep lifting your hip high press your heels on your mat just slowly lift your heels of the mat jump forward
or can walk front in between your both hand for ardha uttanasana exhale uttanasana slowly come up for chair pose nice and slow and exhale release your hands inhale raise your both hands upon your head exhale fully forward inhale half forward look forward and then place your hands on a mat, go back to chaturanga dandasana inhale up for urdhva mukha exhale go back to adho mukha as you exhale slowly
drop your knees on your mat and relax here for child pose incase you are too tired from shoulder you can roll your hands back slower down your breathe nice and slowly don’t rush moment find your breathing here now we are moving to standing posture a from downward facing dog slowly lean your body for chaturanga dandasana inhale for urdhva mukha and exhale go back to adho mukha as you
inhale lift your right leg up for one leg downward facing dog hold here, breathe as you exhale slowly place your right leg forward in between your both hands and turn your back foot for 45 degree slowly come up for warrior A nice and slow and look up hold here for two breathe, inhale lengthen your spine exhale slowly drop your head down now slowly by turning your back foot out open your hands for virbhadra to
warrior B hold here look forward nice and slowly, roll it to lift your shoulders up now you have to drop your shoulders down hold here for three two breathe in as you exhale slowly shift forward with your right hand inhale come up for reverse warrior and hold here nice and slowly, take your time breathe in and breathe out slowly back to warrior A look front now we are moving to Trikonasana ( Triangle Pose ) so those
who have tight hamstring here you can use a block so here i’m using a block by front side of my foot of my right foot so as i told you according to your flexibility you can increase the height of the block not on the outside of the foot knee should be inside, so it will have you to maintain your spine over your front leg now from warrior B first try to extend your front foot then reach forward with your right hand by dropping your
right hip down lift your left hip up slowly bend your torso place your hands over the block now do focus on lengthening your spine slowly by twisting your chest, lift up your left hand or your right shoulder look up towards your left palm and hold here breathe in and breathe out and make sure you have to keep pressing your back feet on the mat nice and slow two more breathe here take your time
now first shift your weight forward turn your right leg in and come back to warrior B look front hold there stay strong and just push keep breathing as i told you don’t need to hold your breathe while holding the posture now last do one more round extend your right leg by dropping your right lift your left hip up reach forward bend your
torso, drop your hands over the block slowly by twisting your spine trikonasana triangle pose, keep lengthening your spine hold here for three two one breathe and slowly come up for warrior A , nice now from here slowly back twisting your back foot and come up for warrior A Virbhadra Asana A and exhale drop your hands on your ma you can remove your block here now slowly jump back or walk back to
chaturanga dandasana nice and slowly inhale up for urdhva mukha look forward and exhale go back to adho mukha so in that time here you can rest in child pose or you can continue with the left leg take your time in downward facing dog, breathe in breathe out now with your next inhalation lift your left leg up for one leg downward facing dog as you exhale step your left leg forward by turning your back foot and
slowly come up for warrior A hold here, keep lengthening your spine as you inhale reach high exhale drop your chest down release your shoulders slowly by opening leg go for warrior B look front, nice and slowly and make sure your hip should be open not close breathe in breathe out now reach forward exhale inhale come up for reverse warrior and hold here you can look front side or you can look towards the
ceiling nice and slow two more breathe here inhale and exhale slowly back to the center meet in warrior B now we are moving to trikonasana ( Triangle Pose ) so as i told you, you can use a block according to your according to flexibility you can increase the height of the block
now from warrior B, slowly extend your left leg reach forward as you exhale bend your torso, drop your hands over the block by lengthening your spine slowly find your trikonasana ( triangle pose ) maintain your right shoulder aligned with your left keep pressing up outer edge of the back, neck hold here breathe in breathe out inhale and
then exhale one more breathe inhale exhale inhale as you exhale shift your weight forward slowly come up for warrior B take your time now will do one more round breathe in extend your left leg slowly reach forward, bend your torso find your trikonasana and hold here nice and slow according to your breathe keep pressing the back outer edge on the mat
you focus on your breathes now slowly as you inhale, back to warrior B breathe in, slowly back to the warrior A now as you exhale drop your hands on your mat take your time remove block now slowly walk back or jump back to chaturanga dandasana inhale up for urdhva mukha and then exhale go back to adho mukha downward facing dog now resting here in child pose so slowly lift your heels of for
the mats slowly drop your knees down and exhale relax in child pose again if you are too tired from your shoulder you can round behinds back and relax breathe in breathe out now slowly back should downward facing dog look forward as you inhale lift your heels of for the mat, bend you knees slowly walk forward or jump front for
ardha uttanasana exhale uttanasana nice and slowly slowly find your chair pose now this time you are bring up when you should here now make a namaste between your heart center breathe in, lengthen your spine as you exhale twist towards the right side now place your elbow by outside of your right knee keep lengthening your spine and look up towards the ceiling and hold her nice and slow, take your time and if you
tight or not flexible you can just stay there according to your flexibility you have to move without hurting yourself slowly back to the center and exhale twist over the left side nice and slowly, take your time, take your breathe slowly back to the center inhale lift your hands up drop your hands down for uttanasana full forward for inhale up for ardha uttanasana now hold here keep lengthening your spine, look forward
nice and slowly tensed hand down slowly walk back to chaturanga dandasana drop your knees down bend your elbow lean forward inhale up for urdhva mukha and hold here exhale slowly go back to downward facing dog adho mukha take your time, take your breathe now slowly drop your knees down shift your weight forward for urdhva
mukha and exhale, slowly round your spine go back to adho mukha let’s do one more time, drop your knees down by rounding your spine slowly drop your belly down open your heart for urdhva mukha and exhale slowly go back to adho mukha nice and slowly as you exhale drop your knees down and relax in child pose.
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