Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow By Yogi Sourav Ji


Take a deep breath in and deep breath out deep inhale and deep exhale bring awareness to your body to your mind to your breath we’ll start our class by chanting one time of om after that opening mantra join your both palms together in front of a heart center take a deep inhale

Vande Gurunam Charanaravinde
Sandarshita Svatma sukva Bodhe
Nih Sreyase Jangalikayamane
Samsara Halahala Mohashantyai
Abahu Purushakaram
Shankhacakrsi Dharinam
Sahasra Sirasam Svetam
Pranamami Patanjalim

Exhale gently put down head or ask god to give us strength and energy for today’s class while blinking open your eyes om shanti everyone okay so come in any comfortable position on your mat and inhale raise your both arms up over your head roughly come here okay so you can follow rahul ji he’s doing sit down on your mat in any comfortable position now inhale raise your both arms up over your head interlace your fingers and turn your palms towards the ceiling stretch your arms up

elevate your spine just feel the openness and creating the space between your vibration just move your spine left to right right to left rotate your spine make a circle from your spine gently move your spine from right to left left to right change your direction now left to right inhale stretch your arms up exhale drop your right elbow on the right side take your left arm over your head look towards your left palm and hold

there for three counts one two and three inhale again come back to the center again interlace your fingers turn your palms out and exhale drop a left elbow on the left side and take your right arm over your head look towards your right palm now again hold there for three counts one two and three inhale come back to the center exhale turn towards the right side little bend towards the right side now do not release your

fingers or keep your elbows straight hold there for three counts one look towards your left armpit two and three inhale come back to the center exhale little bend towards the left side again hold there for three counts one two and three inhale back to the center now exhale drop your right palm out of your left knee and place your left arm behind your back and go for the twisting look towards your shoulder and keep

twisting with your thoracic region hold one two and three inhale back to the center now exhale drop your right palm out of your left knee place your left arm back and twist three two and one inhale come back to the center exhale bend forward down drop your fingertips stretch and go down

now inhale and with exhalation walk towards the right side with your fingertips walk inhale back to the center now exhale walk towards the left side again come back to the center inhale all the way come up slowly walk back with your fingertips come up and exhale drop your finger or your palms behind your back inhale lift your chest up look up hold it there three two and one inhale look front now drop your palms come

for the table top position on your mat palms and their shoulders knees under your hip open your palm shoulder distance apart open your knees hip distance apart now we’ll start with cow and cat pose so inhale look up roll your shoulders open your chest make an arch on your back tuck your tailbone out exhale look down make a hump on your back push your shoulder blades away from each other tuck your

tailbone in inhale again look up exhale look down inhale look up exhale look down inhale once again look up and hold there for three counts one keep elevating your spine up two lift your chest up and three exhale look down make a hump on your back push with your palms properly on the mat and make a good hump on your back two and three inhale and exhale come back to the center now stretch your right arm

front and left leg back inhale right arm front and left leg back opposite hand and opposite leg now exhale try to touch your elbow to your knee inhale stretch your right arm left leg back exhale elbow to your knee one more time inhale stretch and hold there for three counts one two and three exhale elbow to your knee again hold there for three counts three two and one now release your hand inhale and with exhale release your knee down release your palm down now inhale stretch your left arm

front and left right leg back exhale knee to elbow inhale left arm front and right leg back exhale knee to elbow inhale again stretch and hold there for three counts one two and three exhale elbow to your knee and hold there for three counts more three two and one drop a knee down drop your palm down now just start making a circle on your wrist so inhale try to lean towards the right then exhale come back from the left inhale and exhale change your side one

inhale and exhale two three now we’ll go from the left side and we’ll come back from the right side three inhale and exhale try to rotate two and one come back to the center now while inhalation lean front as much as you can and exhalation come back to the center inhale again tuck your tailbone in push your shoulder blades away keep the engagement in your hips squeeze your hips exhale come back three inhale lean and hold there for three counts one two and three exhale come back to the center

now tuck your toes lift your hips up come for the downward facing dog paddle your legs one by one bend your knees one by one shake your thighs prepare yourself for the upcoming sun salutation stepping your right foot front between your palms step in your right foot and then your left foot come front stepping your right foot front between your both palms and then your left leg inhale come back up come for the samasthiti

now we’ll start this Sun salutation take one feet distance from a mat ekam inhale raise your both arms up over your head come for urdhva hastasana dve exhale bend fully forward down for uttanasana treeni inhale look front lengthen your spine chatvari exhale jump back to chaturanga dandasana puncha inhale upward facing dog shut

exhale downward facing dog now stay into downward facing dog keep lifting your tailbone high and hold there for five counts try to touch your heel one two three four deep inhale deep exhale and five now bend your both knees jump front between your both palms into halfway look up us to ashto exhale painfully forward down nava inhale all the way come up exhale samasthiti

second round ekam inhale swing your both arms up stretch it properly towards the ceiling look up dve exhale bend forward with your hip joints try to keep your spine straight while bending forward treeni inhale look front lengthen your spine here try to reduce that hump from your back transfer weight little bit on your toes and your heels properly do not just hyper extend your leg in this hair in this pose now press your

palms and exhale jump back for chaturanga dandasana in chaturanga dandasana then doesn’t keep your elbows closer to your rib cages to your body do not take it out inhale upward facing dog roll your shoulder open your chest and lift your spine up and back exhale roll yourself back to downward facing dog bone high in this downward facing dog towards the ceiling and just feel the stretch in your thoracic your calf muscles and your hamstrings hold there for five counts one two three four

and five now sapta bend your both knees jump front between your both palms for the halfway look up ashto exhale bend fully forward down nava inhale all the way come up exhale samasthiti we’ll do it one more round ekam inhale swing your arms up dve exhale bend fully forward down towards your leg treeni inhale look front for halfway look up chatvari exhale jump back for chaturanga dandasana pancha inhale upward facing dog keep your thighs off from the floor do not touch your thighs your knees on

the floor exhale go back to the downward facing dog now stay here for five counts one two three four and five sapta bend your boot knees jump front between your both palms ashto exhale painfully forward down nava inhale all the way come up exhale samasthiti

now we’ll do sun salutation be first round we’ll start ekam inhale bend your knees raise your arms up over your head keep your both ears between your both hands exhale bend fully forward down towards your leg treeni inhale look front lengthen your spine here chatvari exhale come back for chaturanga pancha inhale upward facing dog shut exhale downward facing dog sapta lift your right leg up high for three

leg downward facing dog and then bring your left right leg front between your both palms for warrior A keep your front leg 90 back feet 5 degrees in square hips towards the right side both arms over your head ashto exhale drop your both palms on the floor and jump back to chaturanga dandasana nava inhale urdhwamukha dasha exhale adhomukha now ekaadasha lift your left leg up and then bring your left leg front between your both palms for the warrior A again hold there for five sorry do not

hold there just keep your front leg ninety five back feet five degrees in exhale come back to chaturanga inhale urdhwamukha exhale adhomukha now hold here five counts catch your breath one two three four and five now bend your both knees panchadasha jump front between your both legs for halfway look up ardha uttanasana shodash exhale bend fully forward down for uttanasana saptadasha inhale all the way come up for the chair pose exhale samasthiti

now we’ll go for the second round of sun salutation B ekam inhale bend your knees again arms up over your head for the chair pose keep in mind you will not cross your knees with your toes dve exhale bend for the forward fold uttanasana treeni inhale look front lengthen your spine chatvari exhale jump back for chaturanga dandasana pancha inhale upward facing dog shut exhale downward facing dog sapta lift your

right leg up and then bring your right leg front for the warrior A ashto exhale jump back to chaturanga nava inhale urdhwamukha dasha exhale adhomukha ekaadasha bring your left leg front for warrior A dvaadasha exhale jump back for chaturanga trayodasha inhale chaturdasha exhale hold there for five counts pedal your legs here

catch your breath lift your tailbone high press your palms properly on the mat one two gain your energy back three focus on the ujjayi breath four and five bend your both knees and jump front between your both palms for the halfway look up exhale bend fully forward down inhale all the way come up for the chair pose exhale samasthiti

third and last round ekam inhale come for the chair pose dve exhale bend for the forward fold treeni inhale for half forward pose chatvari exhale come back to chaturanga panch inhale upward facing dog shut exhale downward facing dog sapta bring your right leg front for warrior A ashto to exhale come back for warrior sorry jump back to chaturanga nava inhale urdhwamukha daasha exhale adhomukha

ekaadasha bring your left leg front dvaadasha exhale jump back to chaturanga trayodasha inhale chaturdasha exhale now relax into child pose here drop your knees down and go to the child pose catch your breath take deep inhale and exhale i can now slowly come back tuck your toes lift your hips up come for the downward

facing dog so we’ll continue our practice where we have left yesterday we’ll do the right leg forward fold today so we’ll complete this set for that now bend your both knees jump front exhale bend fully forward down inhale all the way come up for the chair pose exhale samasthiti so last pose we have done yesterday was parsvakonasana

so today we will do wide legged forward fold so send your right leg back four feet apart both toes front toes in heels out and keep your both palms on your waist so there are four variations so we’ll start with the first variation inhale lift your chest up look up exhale bend fully forward down now drop your both palms between your both legs inhale halfway look up lengthen your spine here exhale bend fully forward down

bend your elbows inside look between your both legs and hold one two keep your head in line with your spine three deep breath in deep breath out try to shift your weight from your heels towards your toes four and five inhale halfway look up exhale drop your hands on your waist inhale all the way come up and exhale now we’ll do the prasarita padottanasana A inhale raise your both arms by the side exhale drop your both palms on a waist squeeze your shoulder lift your chest up look up squeeze

your elbows exhale bend fully forward down now do not remove your palms from your waist for prasarita padottanasana B hold one keep squeezing your shoulder blades your elbows try to touch your crown head if you can if you cannot just hold it there three but your feet should not open more than four feet apart four and five inhale all the way come up exhale re open your hands by the side now drop your

both palms exhale on your waist and sorry we’ll interlock our fingers now and lift your chest up for prasarita padottanasana C and then exhale painfully forward down after interlocking your fingers behind your back and hold one two three try to touch your fingers your hands on the floor if you can four and five inhale all the way come up exhale drop your hands on a waist

now we’ll do the prasarita padottanasana last variation D variation inhale lift your chest up drop your hands on your waist and exhale painfully forward down now grab your both big toes from your first two fingers and inhale halfway look up lengthen your spine here and with exhale bend your both elbows out and try to touch your crown head down on the mat very nice and hold there for five counts one two three

four and five inhale halfway look up exhale drop your hands on your waist inhale all the way come up exhale stepping your right foot front back to the samistithi shake your legs shake your thighs now we’ll move forward to our next pose that is pyramid pose Parsvottanasana now make namaste behind your back reverse namaste so join your both arms rotate your shoulders properly three two and one

inhale come up high now switch on the side on your center lift to the chest up spine straight look up high as much as you can bend forward look at the toes look front breath in breath out all the way come up and take your left leg forward in samistithi now shake your legs shake your thighs normalize your breath so let’s begin again now swing yourself forward into the table top now as you inhale lift your chest up

head up look up high to the ceiling as you exhale lower your head down hump on your back squeeze in your hips inhale head up look up high exhale head down hump on your back squeeze in your hips inhale head up look up high to the ceiling and then exhale press your palms reach your back of your thoracic region upward now

inhale back to the center for the table top now press your both hands and your both legs back for the plank now stay here in the plank for three two one now drop your knees chest chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward and then exhale roll back on your toes for the mountain roll back on your toes for the mountain

now press your heels down press your hands down together for the mountain breathe in breathe out now step your right leg forward in between your both hands drop your back knee on the floor for aswa sanchala horse riding pose now sink your hips down stretch your back leg as much as you can keep pushing one two three and now send your right leg back again for the mountain or parvatasana again

stretch your shoulders stretch your arms stretch your legs together breathe in breathe out there for three two and one now drop your knees chest chin down on your mat now stretch your hips your lower back inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose bhujangasana exhale roll back on your toes for paravatasana now we’ll do the same thing on the other side step your left leg forward in between your both hands now sink your hips down stretch push the hips forward feel that stretch on

your back leg and hold for three two and one now send your left leg back again for the mountain or parwatasana just stay focused breathe in breathe out just feel that movement in your abdomen pull your abdomen in and out now press your palms bend your knees jump forward for the halfway look up ardha uttanasana exhale completely bend forward inhale stretch your arms up above your head stretch all the way come up high now bend your knees for the chair pose make sure your knee

does not go further than your toes make that nice chair pose squeeze your butt in keep pressing your inners keep pressing your feet on the floor evenly now join your hands together in front of your heart center in this chair pose now hook your right elbow on your left knee twist it chair pose look up high to the left side and keep on stretching for three two and one inhale again back to the chair pose exhale on the other side hook your left elbow on your right knee and then twist back look up high and hold here again for three two one

inhale come back to the center exhale put your hands down on your mat inhale halfway look up exhale step back to the plank or chaturanga dandasana as per your comfort knees chest chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose bhujangasana exhale roll back on your toes for the parvatasana or mountain stay there in the mountain now take your right leg up in the air all the way high for three leg downward facing dog stay there make your toes pointed stretch

your hips higher keep stretching your right leg high as possible stretch stay for three two now slightly bend your right leg at the knee and look at your right foot from left side yes now feel that make that nice arc on your back look at your left foot sorry right foot from left side of your hand and hold one two keep stretching your body three exhale step your right leg outside of your right palm for the laser pose now drop your back knee on the floor sink your hips down keep stretching your hips rotate your

front leg outward and then try to drop your forearms on your mat now stay here for three two breathe in breathe out one and then exhale press your palms on your mat and then send your right leg back for the plank drop your knees chest and chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself forward for the cobra pose exhale roll back on your toes for paravatasana or downward facing dog stretch your shoulders stretch your hips keep pushing upward breathing breathe out there for three two one and then

exhale take your left leg back up in the air all the way high for three leg downward facing dog keep your back leg straight keep stretching upward make your toes pointed very nice now bend your left leg at the knee and then look at your left foot from right side of your head hold one two making make a nice arc on your back three four five and then exhale you step your left leg outside of your right left palm and then drop your back knee on the floor sink your hips down stretch look front and then

drop your forearms on your mat stay there breathe in breathe out just enjoy that stretch with every exhalation deep in the posture don’t try to rush to get in the posture just be relaxed and feel that stretch bring the consciousness in your breath now slowly gently press your palms on your mat and then send your left leg back to the plank drop your knees chest chin down on your mat inhale swing yourself

forward for the cobra pose buchangasan exhale roll back on your toes for paravatasana or mountain pose now stay there again for a while breathe breathe out pedal out your legs bend your one leg at a time keep pushing your one heel at a time and then press your other heel release all the tension from your legs normalize your breath now press your palms jump outside of your hands into the yogi squats be

comfortable into this pose if you are not able to get to this pose you can put something underneath your heels like a cushion blanket anything nearby you if you cannot push your heel down in to this malasana or yogi squats position join your hands together in front of your heart center spine is straight and then look front

keep pressing your palms against each other now grab your ankles with your both hands then slightly bend your elbows and try to lower your head down and lift the hip slide up of the floor make sure your hip is not going above than the knee level okay it

should be below the knee level or it should be with this same level of your knee hold one try to drop your head down be gentle two feel that stretch three four five inhale back to the yogi squats join your hands together in front of your heart cente breathe in breathe out there

now press your palm swing yourself forward into the crow pose try to find the balance on your arms okay what you have to do is you have to adjust your knees on your elbows okay so adjust your knees on your elbows try to push lift your feet off the floor hold for three two one again sit back to the yogi squats okay so for the beginners you don’t need to hold into the posture you just need to swing up and then

get back to the yogi squats okay swing forward and back swing forward and back just like this so we’ll do this for the 10 times so that your muscle will start to understand this movement now let’s get started now press your palms swing yourself forward no need to hold and then get back to the yogi squads press your palms swing forward and then back press your palms it’s it’s completely okay if you don’t lift

your feet off the floor you can lift your feet slightly pop the floor and then get down press your palms again swing forward and then get back press your palms again swing forward for the last five more times swing forward and then back press your palms swing forward and then back for the last three swing forward and then back last two swing forward and then back for the last one swing forward press your palms

and try to hold there okay one two and three again yogi squares join your hands together normalize your breath now grab your big toes with your both hands grab your big toes and then lower your hips down and then all the way roll back on your into happy baby pose now grab your feet pull your legs down all the way roll back

into the happy baby pose stay here try to grab from the edges of your feet inner arch of arch of your feet or outer edge of your feet as per a comfort pull them down breathe in breathe out hold five four three two one now your thighs hug your legs roll over your spine forward and back

keep rolling now extend your one leg forward at the leg still bend right leg forward and left leg bend and hug your left leg and then try to touch your head to your knee and stay for three two one extend your left leg forward right leg bend grab your right knee hug your right knee and then hold one two three four five exhale release your legs forward relax your arms forward now we will do twisting we will do eagle legs

twisting okay now wrap your right leg over your left leg do you guys know about eagle pose okay if you know about eagle pose then you have to wrap your right leg over your left leg and then drop your legs both legs down to the left side okay whichever leg is above your whichever leg is wrapping around that that opposite side we are gonna fall down okay drop your both legs to the left side and then turn your

head to the right side twist out with every exhalation normalize your breath feel that nice stretch that is coming on your lower back and your hips inhale come back to the center exhale on the other side wrap your left leg over your right leg and then drop your both legs down to the left side sorry to the right side and then turn your head to the left side and hold one two three four and five inhale back to the center then

exhale release your legs forward and then close your eyes turn your palms up feet open release back to shavashna relax your breath relax your mind and keep your body still start to observe your entire body from top to bottom bottom to top okay yes now slowly gently bring the veins back to your body move your toes move your fingers bend your left leg at the knee and then turn on your right keep your eyes

closed now press your palm sit in any comfortable pose keep your spine straight chin parallel to the ground now we will jump one time movement and together take a deep breath in join your hands together in front of your heart center bow your head down honor yourself on your practice open your eyes while blinking and namaste to everyone.

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